Ladies Teams

B Game Summary - Jan 24, 2010

Bombastic B lost 0-1 against the Meralomas C at Andy Livingstone Park.

Game Summary from Ryan:
"A solid effort on Sunday Ladies; under the circumstances, you played your hearts out and left everything you had out on the pitch. Though you came up a bit short on the score sheet, it could have easily been a draw and a more positive result that way. As it stood after 90 minutes, you have nothing to regret and everything to be proud of. Sometimes, you can give all you have, be at your best you can be that day and still come up a shy of your goal. Yesterday was one of those days. Special kudos to Jen for standing in goal and putting in a pretty strong performance! Only one got by her, and that's not bad at all. Keep your heads up, stay positive, and move forward to next week and the beginning of Cup play."

Three stars of the game:
1. Jen Thompson
2. Ali Lundy
3. Tanya McLean


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