Ladies Teams

B Game Summary - Nov 15, 2009

Bombastic B tied 1-1 against NSGSC Legend at Ambleside.

Game summary from Ryan:
"A very solid defensive effort, another goal, and a third straight positive result. A bit of a let-down at the end, with a good finish by Legend's striker to steal away the win. Again, when we only manage one goal for, these things tend to happen more often than not. We'll continue to work hard and refine our shape and passing, and more goals will come. We will continue to need a solid turn out at training and a consistency in our roster on match day in order for this to happen. I am encouraged by how you defend as a team; with urgency, and fierce dedication. The goal now is to continue that, and mirror that effort at the other end of the pitch offensively. A good result yesterday, against a strong side in the Legend. The second half of the season is starting off strongly!"

Ali - 1

Three stars of the game:
1. Kim Holbrow
2. Jen Thompson
3. Lisa Glowacki


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